8 weeks old:
- Wellness Exam
- 1st RCPN vaccination (feline respiratory tract and feline distemper vaccines)
- Intestinal Parasite (worm) examination
- Feline Leukemia/FIV blood test
12 weeks of age:
- Wellness Exam
- 2nd RCPN vaccination
- Rabies vaccination (requires booster in 1 year)
- Intestinal Parasite re-check if indicated
- 1st Feline Leukemia vaccination for indoor/outdoor cats
16 weeks of age:
- Wellness Exam
- 3rd RCPN vaccination
- 2nd Feline Leukemia vaccination as needed
- Intestinal Parasite re-check if indicated
6 months old:
- Alter (female - spay, male - castration)
Adult Cat
- Wellness Exam
- Booster RCPN (feline respiratory tract and feline distemper vaccines)
- Rabies booster every 3 years (after the one year booster)
- Booster Feline Leukemia vaccine as needed
- Annual Intestinal Parasite Stool check
8 weeks of age:
- Wellness Exam
- 1st Distemper vaccination (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, adenovirus, and parvovirus)
- Intestinal Parasite (worm) examination
- Heartworm prevention started
12 weeks of age:
- Wellness Exam
- 2nd Distemper vaccination (includes leptospirosis)
- Rabies vaccination (requires booster in 1 year)
- 1st Lyme vaccination
- Intestinal Parasite re-check
16 weeks of age:
- Wellness Exam
- 3rd Distemper vaccination (includes leptospirosis)
- 2nd Lyme vaccination
- Intestinal Parasite re-check if indicated
6 months old:
- Alter (female - spay, male - castration)
Adult Dog
- Annual Wellness Exam
- Annual 4DX test which includes checks for Heartworm, Lyme and Ehrlichia and Anaplasma
- Annual Intestinal Parasite check
- Booster vaccines as needed. We recommend Distemper/Parvo combination vaccines every 3 years after the one year booster. Leptospira and Lyme are given annually.
- Rabies booster every 3 years (after the one year booster)
- Kennel Cough vaccine recommended